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Bridges Out of Poverty

About Bridges Out of Poverty

Bridges Out of Poverty is a strength-based approach to working with people living in poverty, either generational or situational. It explains how to avoid the “fix-it” approach to working with people in poverty and focus on the building of resources at individual, organizational and community levels.

Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop

If your organization works with people living in poverty, only a deeper understanding of their challenges — and strengths — will help you partner with them to create opportunities for success. At this 3-hour workshop, participants will:

  • Understand a new definition of poverty and the resources clients need to move beyond the margins
  • Develop an understanding of the mental models of class
  • Become more aware of research on the causes of poverty
  • Understand some hidden rules of poverty vs. middle class
  • Begin thinking about how to apply Bridges concepts within their organization

Your Facilitator
Jane has been in the literacy field for more than 30 years in a variety of sectors and positions. She has diverse experience and skills in literacy from facilitation to assessment to consultant work, project management and research. Jane has been a certified Bridges Out of Poverty facilitator since 2011 and a certified Getting Ahead facilitator since 2014.

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If you are interested in this training for yourself or your organization, please contact us. Registration is open and ongoing.

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